So I take lots of surveys on the internets. Because I'm poor and a full time student and therefore have no time for a real job, nor am I ''old enough". I KNOW. So like I said, I take surveys. Or, well, I sign up to take surveys, but then I just don't feel like sifting through my email and then it all just builds up and suddenly one day I'm like "hey, maybe I'll check my email because something else I signed up for needs a confirmation" so I go into my email only to be confronted with: You have 540 new emails. 0.0
Yeah, it was weird. So, being the proactive person I am, I promptly opened the confirmation email and confirmed and then quickly signed back out to once again let the email build up. You know you do it too.
And here's the thing, I probably wouldn't have so many emails if I weren't so gullible to "free" gifts for your birthday. And in September, I was like, "hey, my birthday's in a few months, maybe if I just sign up now, then I'll start getting free things sooner!"
This was obviously flawed logic. Also, I have a tendency to forget that I've signed up with companies for free gifts and since they're assholes and don't filter who's already in the club and who's not, I end up subscribing and getting three to six of the same emails EVERYDAY. WHY?!?!!??
Another thing? I'm ridiculously curious. NOT to be confused with nosy. Because I could care less about what's going on with random strangers. HOWEVER, when I'm confronted with an email that says, "Open for Mystery Coupon worth up to $50" my intelligence in gone. Because everyone knows that the likelihood of getting said described coupon is the same exact likelihood of winning the lottery. Nevertheless I always feel compelled to open it anyways, only to be promptly disappointed by my "$5 off a purchase of $75". WHAT KIND OF GHETTO COUPON IS THAT?!?! The reason I would ever want a coupon subscription would be to spend ridiculous amounts of money on stuff I don't need only to have the price cut down by 75%! Not to spend all of my money only to get 2% back. JERKS!
Has that ever happened to you? Probably not. I think only outrageous things that are really not all that outrageous happen to mostly just me. YOUR FACE IS OUTRAGEOUSly attractive.
So anyways, like I was saying, surveys. See, the days that I sign up for surveys are usually weeks where I've been really good about checking my email every day and cleaning out a lot of crap I don't need. But after I sign up, I just slowly start slacking. Like REALLY slacking. As in I will lay down on the couch and watch 6+ hours of continuous TV reruns of shows I've failed to keep up on only to realize I really have shitload of stuff to actually get accomplished and then continue to watch TV until someone drags me off the couch. I'm so serious.
So when I sign up for the surveys, I'll be like, "Yeah, I'm really poor. SEND ME THEM EVERYDAY!" But then that slacking thing happens and when I sift through my emails it's all like "Urgent survey opinion needed. TODAY ONLY!" And then I'm like, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" because the reward was like 2,000 points which is the equivalent of $20 on some sites and that's cash money that I desperately need. So then I end up throwing away, not only junk mail, but pretty much money, right into the trash tab.
And this is why I'll be forever poor and eating Ramen noodles for the majority, if not all, of my college life.